Cayman Islands Sustainable Resort Institute;
A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing the Needs of the Caribbean Tourist Industry in the 21st Century

The del Sole Group, with essential support from the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism, the Ministry of Education, and the Governor’s Office proposes to establish The Cayman Islands Sustainable Resort Institute (CISRI). The CISRI campus will be located on the pristine North Coast of Little Cayman and will be a functioning small Resort with a 0 carbon footprint that is designed to be a transparent teaching and learning tool. The Institute at del Sole will let resort operators learn about and see sustainable design in action that will enable them to implement practical "green", carbon neutral, sustainable practices into their own operations regardless of size. Via world-class Courses of Study, Sustainable Design Symposiums, and Workshops at del Sole- a showcase working resort that incorporates sustainable design into every aspect of its operation- CISRI will demonstrate in a “hands on” method to any type of resort owner how to profitably tap into the strong marketplace consumer and societal demands for eco-resort destinations. Additionally, CISRI will give resort owners practical tools and strategies to address this market by incorporating sustainability into their operations and connecting these strategies as a powerful marketing tool. CISRI therefore, will brand Cayman as a true "green" resort destination leader and tap into the global eco-resort vacation market looking for karma-free Caribbean lifestyle, beauty and comfort. The Institute will be at the forefront of the Government’s initiatives to grow the resort industry while preserving the pristine environment that makes the Cayman Islands a very special place and a prime worldwide vacation destination. CISRI will be the land complement to the Caribbean Marine Institute and del Sole will feature state of the art water usage and disposal. A Living Machine will recycle wastewater in a safe and sanitary manner and will be used to irrigate the native flora on the grounds. Electricity and hot water needs will be completely “off grid” and will be generated via wind and solar power. Horticultural pathways into the island’s interior at del Sole will be planted with native species that will show the unparalleled, fragile beauty of Little Cayman. The pathways will also lead to the solar arrays and wind turbine that will provide the energy needs of CISRI. Just by strolling the grounds on a relaxing self guided walking tour, learners and vacationers at del Sole will become aware of and informed about the incredible flora and fauna of the
Cayman Islands and see sustainability in action. These pathways will serve as a living, 3 dimensional textbook for the eco-resort industry. Even the transportation to and from the airfield will be by non-polluting vehicles.
CISRI will be a true teaching and learning institution. There will be strong connections to the Cayman School Districts and to tertiary institutions. In this way, CISRI will be in the forefront to create the indigenous Caymanian student leadership cadre to take the Cayman resort industry to the next cutting edge phase, i.e. authentic sustainable design. Post high school credited courses at CISRI will be used as part of a baccalaureate degree in association with the Temple University and George Washington Universities’ Schools of Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Visit Condo del Sole for more info about oceanfront accommodations on Little Cayman.
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