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      « East Norriton Middle School Bullying Skits | Main | 6th Grade Design Groups; "Green" Gingerbread Houses »

      December 08, 2013


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      bob schafer

      great job! i was in a like ordeal in school. i am working on a project to help kids find a meanningful path also your story and vidio are inspiring! thanks bob 906 643 7011

      Bob Lefler

      I am now retired from 30 yrs teaching. Years ago as a teacher and a lifelong boat carpenter(with degree), I tried a number of times to get such a program as you have going but could not seem to do it. Now on my old Adirondack farm, I have many old small boats, but I need to rebuild the English barn for a shop. Shop first, then boats. Bob Lefler

      Sandra West

      Great idea! Very inspiring. Wish more schools/districts would see the value of "authentic hands-on." However, shouldn't all of them be wearing eye protection?

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