John Sole is the CEO of Guerilla Educators, Inc., a Service Learning Master Teacher, educational and school design consultant, Charter School Specialist, and videographer. He was an educator in the School District of Philadelphia for 20 years. In 1998, John left the classroom to become the Service Learning Specialist for the District. In that capacity, he assisted in the development and implementation of District-wide Project Based Service Learning and worked diligently to integrate technology into all projects as a 21st century teaching and learning tool. In his position as SL Specialist, he helped individual teachers, students and schools conceive, plan and implement hands-on-projects in, and out of, the classroom. John created District-wide, student-directed projects such as “Designing the School of the Future”, the “Student Paper Recycling Initiative”, “Seeds to Trees”, and the “Children’s Water Monitoring Network”. All projects are designed for students to achieve mastery of grade appropriate curriculum and state standards across the disciplines. Community Partnerships are integral to all projects in which he is involved.
He has trained educators from throughout the United States as well as from Canada, Asia, and Europe, and Australia about Service Learning and its implementation in classrooms and has been directly responsible
for involving tens of thousands of students in hands-on projects on the
front lines in their classrooms. Since 1999, John has assisted as a teacher trainer, videographer, and mentor for the Alliance to Save Energy's Green Schools program of student devised energy conservation strategies for their schools, both in Philadelphia and nationwide. Sole Production's video documentaries of the Green Schools program have become an integral aspect of the teacher training process, nationwide.
In 2001, John co-founded Green Woods Charter School where, until June, 2004, he served as the Projects Specialist. Green Wood's pedagogical focus is environmental and project-based.
Since 2004, John Sole has devoted himself full time to his educational consulting organizations. Sole Productions, is his video technology studio for visually documenting compelling student projects. Guerilla Educators works to address the critical global need of providing the tools necessary for educators to practice world-class, hands-on Project Based Learning in their classrooms, schools, and Districts.
John Sole has worked at educational facilities throughout the School District of Philadelphia to connect the design process of new school construction directly to students and curriculum via Project Based Learning.
Since 2008, Guerilla Educators has partnered with the Alliance to Save Energy to implement their Saving Energy in DC Schools (SEDS) program in Washington DC Public Schools. John is also a member of the Council of Educational Facilities Planners, International (CEFPI).
Hi John,
This is your long lost buddy from the north country (Pa.)
You should see the "cabin" these days. My sister brother and I rebuilt it and she and I live there full time.
I'm retired and taking many pics.
Hopefully we can connect.
Posted by: Deryl L. Maruschak | October 15, 2013 at 09:24 PM